What a week….Passover, Easter, Earth Day and a beautiful celebration with a dear friend to honor her birthday!
Every April, Laura creates a gathering to honor her cycle around the sun. Each person is invited to participate in the ritual and this year, it included selecting an Angel Card. Just as my turn was about to come, I said, “I wonder what card I will select?” And then I chose Expectancy.
Wow, I had just verbalized that feeling of expectancy and then the card reflected that exact emotion.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of expectancy is: the feeling that something exciting or pleasant is going to happen. The whole group was witness to this instant manifestation — we all had an epiphany simultaneously.
Life is filled with moments that are inspiring; moments that generate a visceral aha when something happens and you feel a deep YES as a smile washes over and throughout all your cells.
What I love about expectancy is the positive nature of the word. I’m reminded of the saying,
What you’re looking for… you’ll see more of!
What are you looking for? What thoughts circulate in your mind? Are you expectant for the best?
Be on the lookout for your quiet wishes and be expectant… that you will have many happy and pleasant moments --- even your own epiphany --- throughout this beautiful late April week. :)
Women’s Wisdom Circle Wednesday, April 24th 10:30 am - Noon
This week we will explore the topic : Perception & Our Filters
Levis JCC Sandler Center
Membership is not required. $13 payable at the door.
21050 95th Ave S, Boca Raton, FL 33428