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  • Liz Sterling

It's All About Intention

A friend offered me a Dove dark chocolate square and I reasoned, a little sweet goes a long way. The fun part about opening the red crinkle wrapper is getting the message inside.

Sometimes they are lofty, sometimes simple. The one I got said, Fearless Authenticity.

Wow, I thought that’s good and then I remembered the basic principles of a course of study called, Conscious Language.

Introduced by Robert Tennyson Stevens, the fundamental tenant of his work is to speak out loud what you intend to create.

It’s all about intention...

Words have power, as do our thoughts.

What we say, we give energy to for creation.

Fearless is one of those tricky words because it is based on FEAR. Why would I want to start with fear and then ask for less?

“How about a more positive, energizing word that can give authenticity momentum?” I thought.

As I pondered another word to replace fearless, fierce flew into my brain.

Yes, Fierce Authenticity! That sounds like something to strive for.

One of my teachers always said, once you know where you are starting from, you can begin your quest to move forward.

What would fierce authenticity look like for you?

I’m excited to be asking this question of myself…… and I invite you to join me at the Women’s Wisdom Circle to explore this topic more!

Women's Wisdom Circle

Wednesday, January 22nd 10:30 AM - 12 Noon

This week's topic: Fierce Authenticity

Levis JCC Sandler Center, Boca Raton

Membership is not required. $13 payable at the door.

21050 95th Ave S, Boca Raton, FL 33428


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