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Know What You're Looking For

Liz Sterling

Yesterday we cleaned out all the closets. Everything got moved, tossed or repurposed.

This morning, when I went for the doggy waste bags, they weren’t in their place. I looked on every shelf. I knew what I was looking for - a simple spool of plastic bags.

The spot we previously had was perfect -- so I couldn’t understand why they weren’t there.

That’s when I spied something in its place. Turns out, a shoebox had been repurposed and labeled: Dog Bags. They were inside.

My epiphany this morning is simple…

You Can’t Find What You Want - If You Don’t Know What You’re Looking For

What are you looking for? Where are you looking?

This summer, I rediscovered my passion for interviewing and learning and asking important questions. I want to know about ageism, new frontiers in medicine, superfoods and mindfulness. I’m ready to talk about old myths and new paradigms.

Thankfully, I found the wonderful world of podcasts and I’m diving in.

Are you listening to podcasts? What do you like? What topics interest you?

Please let me know because I want to give you what you’re looking for!

Send me a link to your favorite podcast and if you are not there yet, I suggest you find out what you’re looking for, then, let me know. I promise, I’ll help you find it!

Chag Sameach for a joyful Sukkot!

Hold the Date:

AskLiz Live!

Monday, December 2, 2019

2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

No Membership Required

Admission $10

561-558-2520 to register

Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center

Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center

21050 95th Av South

Boca Raton, FL 33428

Janet Weissman facilitates the Wisdom Circle through October.

Wednesdays from 10:30 - Noon

This Week's Topic: How we can help others to smile?

I'll be back in class November 6th. YAY!

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