Maria Shriver offers a digital weekly newsletter called, The Sunday Paper. This week she wrote about her love for Thanksgiving, saying she looks forward to it all year long.
She gushed that her home is “filled with friends and family and faith,” and her table “with people expressing gratitude for this moment in their lives.”
When I shared that information with a friend, she said, “Wow, that Maria Shriver comes from a happy family. Lucky for her.”
The truth be told, it’s not that way for everyone. Some Thanksgiving homes are fraught with tension and power struggles and dysfunction sprinkled with a small helping of hope for getting through it without too much angst.
My prayer is that your gathering be blessed…. and in the interim, I have a wonderful practice that can help make your day sparkle.
Years ago, I was filled with anxiety about a family gathering. A friend encouraged me to be aware of what I was looking for.“Liz," she said, “Look for the gem to take home with you. Look for the best in your experience. Heighten your awareness and be on the lookout for acts of kindness or for small gestures that make your mind expand and heart feel soothed.”
What you’re looking for... you’ll see more of that than anything else.
Bring your best self to the table this year and be on the lookout for the best in others.
Make your life sparkle with baubles of love and joy! Happy Thanksgiving —
Ask Liz Live!
Monday, December 2, 2019 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
No Membership Required
$10admission 561-558-2520 to register
Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center
21050 95th Av South Boca Raton, FL 33428