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The Honest Truth

Liz Sterling

With AJ from Boulder and Kimberly from San Fransisco for the wedding celebration

Weddings are great … especially when the couple have that ‘meant to be’ feeling. I attended two back-to-back weekend weddings and experienced a most surprising epiphany… relationships are great and relationships require hard work as they evolve. The officiants brought this truth to the fore for all to hear and see.

Instead of what I expected, how wonderful it is that a new couple are beginning their joyous life together, I heard about the divorce rate, about the struggles and difficulties that couples experience and I heard about the complex nature of coupling.

I wanted to say, “No, don’t bring this into the wedding ceremony. Give them wings and roots to fly.” But after a moment or two, I realized, being prepared by hearing the honest truth is an unusual gift to give newlyweds.

I learned that passion is an ongoing requirement to keep the love alive. I learned that the support of family, friends and a caring community strengthens a couple setting out on a new course and I learned about the trials and tribulations of life —- the ups and downs and the rights and wrongs.

There will be good times, of course, and then there will be the times when we meet health challenges and unexpected occurrences that thwart even the most committed. I learned that forgiveness is an elixir and heals even the deepest wounds.

I didn’t like what I heard but I know it was honest, it was the truth and it will serve my nephew and his beautiful bride for the well prepared beginning — of their forever.

With Passover arriving at the end of the week my heartfelt wishes for a Chag sameach.

And for all those celebrating Easter -- May the bunny and your celebration be a delight

.Women’s Wisdom Circle Wednesday, April 17th at the

Levis JCC Sandler Center, Boca Raton for my from 10:30 am - Noon.

This week we will explore the topic : Relationship Reality Check

Membership is not required. $13 payable at the door.

Levis JCC Sandler Center

21050 95th Ave S, Boca Raton, FL 33428


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