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What Are You Worth?

Liz Sterling

Updated: Sep 22, 2019

At Barn Sanctuary with the turkeys for the upcoming Animal Planet series.

I had an interesting experience last week while on a writing assignment in Chelsea, Michigan, for a new Animal Planet series scheduled for release in early 2020.

I found a sweet mid-western beauty salon after day one on the set because I ended up with hat hair. Rose, the stylist, gave me the best shampoo & scalp massage I've ever had!

She coiffed my locks in such a pretty fashion it made me gush. In gratitude for her exceptional work, I offered a great big tip and she said, “No way. That’s too much.”

She refused my $10 tip on the $20 shampoo and blow dry and when I gave her my credit card, she said, “I’ll just make it for $25. That’s enough for me.”

I struggled a bit, wanting to insist she accept my appreciative, albeit, over the top offer, but after a moment of internal debate, I realized she did not feel it 'worth it’ and decided not to expend my energy any further. (I did realize that this was a blog worthy moment)

As we move into the reflective and celebratory time of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, along with the awareness of gratitude, I’m becoming cognizant of my own self worth. How do I receive appreciation from others ? Where does this self-worth thing reside? Can worth come in the form of recognition? I'm looking at it from all sides now and will use this time, leading up to the the final blowing of the shofar, to ponder these questions.

By the way, here is a link to an amazing shofar call I've been listening to.

Tomorrow is the autumnal equinox. Writing from Michigan, I can see the leaves changing and feel a hint of cool crisp air coming across the lake. It’s nice to have the opportunity to experience the seasonal change.

Hopefully, for my friends in Florida, summer will end with fall!

L’Shanah Tovah — A Good and Sweet New Year

Janet Weissman facilitates the Wisdom Circle through October

JCC Sandler Center - Boca Raton

Every Wednesday 10:30am - 12 noon.

No membership required. $13 per class.

For more information: 561-558-2520.

This Week's Topic: Ending and Beginning

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