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Look Before You Leap

Liz Sterling

I'm all for trying new things including multi-tasking, goal setting and having a bucket list.

Adventure for me, a bonafide Sagittarius, is like flying is to a butterfly; always on the go and flitting through the garden of life.

This morning, as I loaded my almost ten year old dog, Sophie, into the car, I noticed some hesitancy. Rather than plopping up and down and smelling the floor and the storage compartment (which has travel bones in it), she just looked at me and looked around and paused.

Sophie took an extra moment to consider how to maneuver her way around a large box that I left on the seat.

I realized she was helping me understand the fine art of taking it slower…illustrating the concept of look before you leap.

I can understand that moment quite easily when I think of getting in and out of the shower, or modifying my gate as I walk along a slippery pool.

Lately I’ve notice I’m contorting out of the car to protect an injured knee.

These little nuances have been getting more and more valuable and Sophie brought it to the fore.

Move Slower = Be Safer.

I’m pretty sure I won’t be skydiving or zip lining in the near future but you may catch me hot air ballooning or parasailing …. and when I do, I’ll have pictures for you.

In the interim, look before you leap, be steady and be steadfast as you live, love, play and have fun where ever you happen to be. :)

Join me in south Florida on Wednesday, May 1st

Women's Wisdom Circle - 10:30 am - Noon

This week we will explore the topic : RESPECT

Levis JCC Sandler Center, Boca Raton

Membership is not required. $13 payable at the door.

21050 95th Ave S, Boca Raton, FL 33428



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